
How "Chinese" am I?

Trav's very likely having a bad cold now so he's sleeping in the guest room. I'm sort of feeling that I'm back to my old single life again (so staying up pretty late is one of the things I did quite often). Anyway, I've been fooling around and browsing people's blogs for about a few hours; the following forwarded email is one of my findings...
p.s. I read this email from this blog (Chinese blog). If you're interested in the original wording and the blogger's commentaries, please follow this link (since I still don't know how to use the "quote" function on pixnet. Maybe some internet-savvy friends can help me?) 
Here is my own translation and commentary on this email:
The 60 attributes of Chinese in Foreigner's sight: (Ok, I might finish it tomorrow morning since my Mac is about to die and I am too lazy to find its power cord...Feeling too cozy in bed).
1. When greeting with friends, Chinese says "Have you eaten yet?" instead of "How are you?"
Well, isn't it just a cultural thing? It's in general easier to ask the first question and get a genuine answer; people usually fake it when they're actually not fine...

2. Likes to eat chicken feet.
Ok, I admit it. Compared to most of the Americans, I tend to eat more chicken feet and actually enjoy them.

3. When eating a fish, Chinese cleans up it by sucking on the head and the fins.
It used to be my Mom or Dad's job in Taiwan. As for now, please tell me how to get a fish with its head and fins on in Utah...

4. Likes to decorate his/her car's mirror with Chinese-style goodies. 
I don't have my own car yet and Trav doesn't do it...Well, he just simply doesn't decorate his car.

5. Likes to sing Kareoke.
Nothing wrong with it! Taiwan's Kareoke bars are some fun and I suggest all of my friends should try it if they have a chance to visit Taiwan.

6. Put tiles on their floor.
Well, I have some files on my floor too and I'm pretty sure my contractor is not Chinese. 

7. Their kitchen is always covered with a thick layer of grease.
No way! I mop my kitchen countertop and stoves after every meal. 

8. Each stove is covered with tin foil. 
Simply no.

9. Electronic remotes are covered with rubber or plastic stuff.
Urhhh...Maybe Japanese does that? Ok, I won't play the stereotype here. Who does that?

10. Never kiss their parents.
I can't remember if I've ever done it. I definitely kissed my Mom's cheek before...right?

11. Never hug their parents.
Well, I for sure have done this.

12. Start wearing glasses since the 5th grade.
Well, right on! But for me, I think the reason is that I watched too much TV. For the generation which is at least 5 years younger than me, they would get near-sighted early due to playing too much video games.

13. Hairs would be spiked up after awaking up.
What kind of conclusion is it? Haha.

14. Debate for some self-evident stuff.
No comments. I think it's nothing to do with race and nationality.  

15. Likes to use coupons.
I think everyone likes it...

16. Drive around in order to find the cheapest gas station in town.
Ok, I do it sometimes. Now I just go to costco directly.

17. Always wait till evenings to take a shower.
Well, I still do this. But by doing it I can keep my sheets clean thus there's no need to wash them too often. I can't sleep well if I don't take a shower right before bed.

18. Don't eat the food, snacks, or drinks in a hotel if they are not free.
I won't either. The food in the hotel is usually more expensive than their retail price. I don't want to pay more than what it should worth. 

19. Chinese guys have lesser body hairs than Chinese women.
False in most cases. 

20. If someone pours tea for him/her, he/she would knock on the table to show the gratitude. 
Never heard of it. Definitely not for Taiwanese.

1 comment:

The Bozemans said...

You know something? I have seen non-Chinese people do almost all of those things too! I guess we're all a lot alike! =)