It was my first attempt to make sushi and as you can see the outcome was a bit...umm..."homemade" looking. I didn't really make sushi rice, which is supposed to be infused with rice vinegar and sugar. My brand new kitchen pantry is still equipped with very scarce variety of spices and seasonings. There is neither rice vinegar or toasted sesame seeds in it. Anyway, the upper one has imitation crab and avocado in it while the bottom one has cucumber, carrots, and cream cheese in it. Eat both with wasabi & soy sauce mixture.
Since I met my husband or came to U.S., I no longer downloaded pirate musics and movies, too. I think it's simply because I don't want to get arrested :P
Well, that's very nice of you guys! I think USA is just like Taiwan when it comes to pirating-definitely illegal yet it's still a under-the-current thing. I know some friends who are still enjoying the convenience of pirating:) I know that on BGSU (my Alma Mater) campus, dorm tenants' access to the campus internet would be suspended if they attempt to pirating any sort of info. Yet I haven't heard anyone's been arrested . To me, it's more like a moral issue since we as the followers of the Christ seem not be supposed to do illegal things...haha. I've also found some streaming video sites featuring brand new movies on theater but I can't use them for the same reason. Haha, it seems that there are lots of temptations online as well:)
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